Today John Calvin is celebrating his birthday in the presence of his beloved Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. It is for us to carry on the legacy of this servant of God by telling others of the Gospel of free grace. This is what Calvin devoted his life to, both in his preaching and writing.
at FishWithTrish
Please read Trish's post here.
I threw a birthday bash for John Calvin at my home. I invited all of the seven Five Point Calvinists I know that live close by. I wanted to do it right, so I put 500 candles on the cake and accidently burned my house to the ground.
Are you sure that you didn't leave out some of the details in your account? My suspicion is that in the midst of your celebration someone inappropriately brought up the subject of Servetus. (There's always one in the crowd.)The rest of you felt obligated to set him straight about the matter, then things just sort of got out of hand and...
@Eddie Eddings
For a real example of someone throwing the wet "Servetus" blanket on our celebration, see FishWithTrish's post comments.
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