Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Two New Widgets Added


This morning I added widgets for the Heidelberg Catechism & Westminster Shorter Catechism. They are at the bottom of the left sidebar. The Heidelberg Catechism is one of the Three Forms Of Unity, which along with the Ecumenical Creeds comprise the doctrinal standards that the Reformed Church confesses. This is our church's "statement of faith" and is a summary of the basic beliefs of the Bible as taught in the Reformed Church.

The Westminster Shorter Catechism is part of the "Westminster Standards" which states what the Presbyterian Churches hold to and believe.

Although there are a few minor differences, the Shorter Catechism and the Heidelberg provide an excellent basis for learning and studying the essential doctrines of the Christian Faith. The complete text of the Heidelberg with Scripture references can be found by clicking (here). You can read the Westminster Shorter Catechism, with the accompanying scriptures written out (here).

As I mentioned, we believe these statements of faith summarize the Bible's basic teachings and they are subordinate to the Scriptures. As with all church creeds and confessions, you should check what they teach against the Bible itself.

A daily Bible reading plan (like the one at the top of the left sidebar), plus a daily review of a catechism question and answer, is a great way to understand the Christian Faith and to know God.



Eddie Eddings said...

Very nice!

Joseph said...

I used to have those widgets on my facebook page, before fb disallowed such widgets.
Oh- in the children's Sunday school curriculum at church it mentioned, while commenting on Genesis 47-48, that for God's people the world is not our home and that we are "strangers in a strange land" :)

stranger.strange.land said...

Yes, that's what we are. : )

Anonymous said...

The two Catechisms make for great devotionals...they remind us of all that we hold so dear as Christians briefly. I even have a print out of the Heidelberg Catechism and even tried memorizing some of it :). I think it helps me to be able to clearly share my faith too :).

Heidelberg Man said...

There are some Q/As that Baptists would not agree with (like the parts about the sacraments), but yes, I also find them to be very helpful in forming a good Gospel presentation.

Oops! I was signed into another account. I will just leave it since my Heidelberg Man alter ego goes along with this post. : )

Stranger in a Strange Land