Thirty-seven years ago "today," at 9:00 p.m., I was born again and began to trust Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour. The calendar date was actually June 7th, but I have always thought of the first Friday of June as the day.
A co-worker, who was a Christian, and I had had a few conversations about Jesus. She brought a couple of books for me to read (The Late-Great Planet Earth, and In His Steps), and even loaned me her New American Standard Bible, with the provision that I return it to her on Friday so that she would have it for church that Sunday.
I thank the Lord for Dave and Margie Dalmas, and for the members of the womens' prayer group at a Presbyterian church in the city of Orange, California.
I don't know where Dave and Margie are now. Apparently, they have moved since I last contacted them. At that time, they lived in Anaheim. I never met anyone from the womens' prayer group, but unbeknown to me, they had been praying for me for some time, Margie giving them weekly reports on how things were going.
God bless every one who prays for the salvation of people and who share the Gospel.
Behold the Lamb of God, which taketh away the sin of the world.
Behold, what manner of love the Father hath bestowed upon us, that we should be called the sons of God.
Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him.
Reformed Church Of Basel (1534): The Denial Of Infant Baptism A “Damnable
And Depraved Opinion”
We clearly protest those strange and erroneous doctrines, which turbulent
spirits have invented [so as] to reject and condemn, among other damnable
and dep...
13 hours ago
Praise God. Happy spiritual birthday Mr. Boyd.
Thanks for sharing this, Craig. Another happy kingdom birthday to you!
Thanks for this post. It is wonderful to be born again. God bless you.
Happy 2nd birthday brother! I celebrated 39 years on April 12th 1972. Praise God you have been made His.
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