Saturday, April 2, 2011

Mistakes atheists make when dialoguing with Christians: article by Matt Slick

Thanks to my friend Bob Sorensen for bringing this article to my attention via f acebook. I have sometimes been disappointed at the direction a conversation has taken, when the atheist with whom I thought I was having an honest discussion decided to use some of these tactics.

by Matt Slick

The following are examples of mistakes I've seen atheists make when dialoguing with Christians. They are important to know for both sides so better dialogue might take place. First of all, the atheist must realize that making these mistakes lessens his credibility with a Christian and does not help his cause. Second, the Christian should know these errors so he can identify them during a conversation and, hopefully, not commit them himself.

1.     Condescension and insults

A.     This is the most common of all mistakes made by atheists. They are often condescending as they mock Christianity. They insult God, call him a tyrant, refer to Christianity as mythology, baseless, a fairytale, compare God to invisible pink unicorns ... (read the entire article) 

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