Friday, November 12, 2010

"I Don't Need Jesus"

"No. I don't need Jesus, because I've got my own mind."

When I hear that, I realize that I am talking with someone who has fallen asleep to reality. I can understand that a person might say to me, "R.C., I don't want Jesus." But when they say to me, "R.C., I don't need Jesus," I ask, "Have you lost your mind? Do you hear what you are saying?"

If there is no God, of course you don't need Jesus. If there is a God, and he is holy and you are holy, you don't need Jesus. But if God is, and God is holy, and you are not holy, there is nothing in this universe you need more desperately than Jesus.

If God is, and God is holy, and you are not holy, there is nothing in this universe you need more desperately than Jesus.____R.C. Sproul

Quoted from Ligonier Ministries' video series, Choosing My Religion. Available from

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