St. James and St. Paul Battling it Out on Justification |
In October of 2010, I wrote a blog post answering an atheist friend who claimed that the Bible contradicted itself by teaching in one place (Romans 3 & 4) that
Justification is by faith apart from works, and in another place (James 2) that "...
by works a man is justified, and not by faith only."
Recently, on the
Reformed Forum Facebook page, someone posted the following:
believed and taught "justification by faith alone" for over 20 years as
an elder in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and as the adult Bible
class teacher in my church. But on September 30th 2011, I was looking
for the verse in the Bible that said justification is by faith alone.
So, I typed "faith alone" in an online Bible search engine. That search
has opened my eyes and brought me closer to God. My hope is that
searching to find what the Bible actually says about "faith alone" will
do the same for you. Here is the link that started my search: http://biblez.com/search.php?q=%22faith+alone%22 May God Bless You
This seasoned Presbyterian elder & bible class teacher apparently had never seen a copy of the Westminster Confession & Catechisms, nor was he aware of the classic Roman Catholic objection to the doctrine of
"Justification by Faith Alone" that he had taught for over 20 years. While he approaches the Justification issue from a different direction than my atheist friend (he is not arguing a contradiction between Paul and James), the ground of his supposed refutation is the teaching found in in the epistle of James. So my answer below still applies.
Here is an edited version of the post I wrote two and a half years ago in answer to the atheist's objection.
The question is: Does the Bible teach that we are saved by
Faith Alone, or a combination of
Faith and Works? It gets complicated when it appears that two authors of New Testament epistles have different views on the matter.
There are two keys to understanding what some claim is a "contradiction"
between Paul's and James' teaching on "justification," and they are
easily discerned by reading their respective arguments.
1. The first key is the different senses in which each is using the
word JUSTIFICATION (and it's variants: "justify" and "justified") Paul
is talking about being declared legally righteous in God's sight, while
James is talking about a person's actions backing up, or
justifying, his verbal profession of faith.
2. The second key is this: What errors are each refuting? Paul is arguing (
Romans 1:16-5:2)
against the notion that there is something we can do that contributes
meritoriously to our being declared legally righteous before God. James
is arguing (
James 1:22-2:26)
against antinomianism. That is the notion that the life of someone who
posesses true faith in Christ will not necessarily exhibit works as
evidence of (
justification of) that faith.
"Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works."
Notice also how Paul (in Romans 4) and James (in
James 2:21-24)
each use different incidents in Abraham's life to illustrate their
respective points. See how these two narratives from Genesis 15 &
22, as cited by Paul and James, complement and support each other.
The law of (non-)contradiction is:
"A" can not be "non-A" at the same time and in the same sense.
I have shown that Paul and James were each using the word
"justification" in a different sense. Therefore, there is no
The debate is still a live issue today however. The slogan of the Reformers, "Salvation by
Grace Alone, through
Faith Alone, because of
Christ Alone, for the
Glory of God Alone"
is challenged not only by Roman Catholics, but various sects such as
Jehovah's Witnesses and Mormons and even segments of Evangelicalism.
Skeptics see the issue as a contradiction in the Bible, nullifying it's
Reformed churches have consistently believed and taught that God
graciously saves us solely through faith in Christ and His perfect life
and His death on the cross on behalf of sinners. We believe that this
faith is a gift from God and is a faith that produces works necessarily.
For by grace you have been saved
through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God, not of
works, lest anyone should boast. For we are His workmanship, created in
Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we
should walk in them. __
Ephesians 2:8-10 NKJV
Cartoon by Richard Gunther