I don't advertise it, but it is true that I love to pray for people. The kind of prayer request that particularly captures my attention and compels me to approach my Father's throne is when I am asked to
pray for some one's salvation. If I am standing on a street corner, and Providence brings a friend up to me asking to pray for so-and-so's salvation, we go to prayer NOW,
Matthew 6:5-6 notwithstanding. There is no experience quite like that of asking God to convict a certain one of their sins, and to grant them repentance unto life and faith in the Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.
That brings me to something that happened on
face book last night. First, there was a notification that someone (whom I did not know) "liked" a comment I had made in reference to a quote from
Tabletalk Magazine. (The subject was:
not compromising the presentation of the Gospel in order to make it more acceptable to sinners.) But there was also a
friend request from this same person. As a rule, I quietly ignore friend requests from people whom I do not know. I didn't know why I did it, maybe it was the fact that she was also a fan of
Tabletalk Magazine, or perhaps it was the picture of a cute cat that she used as her
fb profile picture (I am a sucker for cat photos), but I clicked "accept" without investigating any info about this person.
Within seconds, she responded with a message thanking me for accepting her friend request. We chatted for a few minutes; it was a pleasant conversation about church, being "strong in the Lord" etc. Then signed off.
About an hour later, I decided to look at the posts on my new friend's wall from earlier in the day, and there it was.
A request to her "face book buddies" to pray for the salvation of her husband. I immediately did just that, and will continue to do so. So, there was my answer. It wasn't the
Tabletalk connection; I've ignored plenty of those. Nor was it the cat photo. Many "face book" users have pics of cats. God was presenting me with an opportunity to pray for the salvation of a precious soul. I am humbled and overwhelmed by the way He plans out these things in our daily lives.
Praise the Lord.