"Now we know that God prizes nothing above his honor, which lies mainly in men's knowing him and poor souls' being brought to salvation. So let us not be surprised if our Lord wants his gospel to be proclaimed with such diligence that nothing can hinder its course. For the only way men can come to salvation is through instruction in what the Bible teaches. Now since this is God's will, let us follow it."
"God invites all indiscriminately to salvation through the Gospel, but the ingratitude of the world is the reason why this grace, which is equally offered to all, is enjoyed by few." (Synoptic Gospels 1:116)
"We ought to pray that this and that and every man may be saved and so embrace the whole human race, because we cannot yet distinguish the elect from the reprobate. We pray for the salvation of all, whom we know to have been created in God's image and who have the same nature as ourselves; and we leave to God's judgment those whom He knows to be reprobate."
"[T]he godly will be filled with such an ardent desire to spread the doctrines of religion that [he] will desire to draw others along with him. And indeed nothing could be more inconsistent with the nature of faith than…to keep the light of knowledge choked up within [one’s] own breast." (Comment on
Isaiah 2:3)
"It is true that the principle thing we have to look to is to show [men] the way of salvation.”
“We must have zeal and burning desire that everyone be brought to the knowledge of God for his forgiveness and for salvation." …"We must do everything we possibly can to draw people to God."
“The salvation of souls…is more precious than the whole world.”
Quotes excerpted from: Commentaries on Acts 1-7; on the Synoptic Gospels; on the Gospel of John; on Isaiah; Sermons on Ephesians; and Treatise: "On Scandals" Source: Words of Calvin, the Soul Winner ("Evangelism" page on http://www.corkfpc.com/)