Our final acquittal, that is, our being judged righteous before God, will be solely because of Jesus Christ's living a perfect life of obedience to the Father on our behalf, and His offering Himself as a perfect sacrifice on the cross as punishment for our sins. How is this righteousness appropriated by me? How do I get it? The Bible makes it clear that I am Justified not by my works or anything that I have done, but by faith - and by faith alone. The only way we can receive the benefit of Christ's life and death is by putting our trust in Him - and in Him alone. This is the Gospel.
Inspired by "What is the Gospel?" by R.C. Sproul at www.Ligoner.org
Matthew As A Source On Jesus' Childhood
The authorship of the gospel of Matthew has important implications for
issues related to the childhood of Jesus. The gospel says a lot about his
2 hours ago